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Green foolish to liken Israel and apartheid

FIONA Byrne, the Greens candidate who is favourite to win the seat of Marrickville, is being plain silly in trying to draw parallels between Israel and apartheid South Africa.

In a word, it's nonsense. Anyone who knew South Africa in the bad old pre-1994 days of apartheid and is familiar with Israel and the Middle East knows that to be the case. All Byrne's attempts to whip up support for the so-called BDS movement ("boycott, divestment and sanctions" against "Israeli apartheid") won't win her any credibility beyond the loony, leftist fringe of the Greens.

Israel is a vibrant, fully functioning, hotly contested parliamentary democracy in which every citizen can play a part. It is the only such democracy in a Middle-Eastern sea of corrupt autocracies and dictatorships that are now being challenged by Arabs seeking freedom and a new course for their countries. A place where there is completely free political debate, a completely free press and a completely free judiciary.

Contrast Israel's democracy with the situation in South Africa during the dark days of apartheid when a small elite of whites held virtually all the political and economic power and members of the numerically overwhelming black majority - 30 million to fewer than three million - were, simply because their skin was the wrong colour, discriminated against at every level and denied any role that didn't involve servility and servitude.

"Whites Only" signs meant that blacks were excluded from park benches, couldn't go to beaches, had to queue in different lines at post offices, couldn't get hospital treatment, could mostly work only as menial labourers or domestic servants, had to ride in separate elevators, and had relationships across the colour bar only on pain of being hauled before the courts and imprisoned under the Immorality Act.

For a time, blacks were even barred from placing family funeral notices in newspapers. The right to mourn the loss of loved ones was segregated. That was the evil of racial discrimination.

As is now recognised by those who see the way apartheid barriers have been smashed since the country held its first democratic election in 1994, the system of racial discrimination was crazy stuff.

Decades ago, Israel's founding father, David Ben-Gurion, declared: "We do not want to create a situation like that which exists in South Africa, where the whites are the owners and the rulers, and the blacks are the workers. If we do not do all kinds of work, easy and hard, skilled and unskilled, if we become merely landlords, then this will not be our homeland."

Israel has never wavered from that ideal, though, hardly surprisingly given that the country is at war and under constant armed attack, there have been restrictions on people living in the occupied territories.

South Africa's apartheid was an indefensible system based entirely on race in its basest and most outrageous form, on whites believing they were superior by virtue of their skin colour, and insisting that blacks should be condemned to a life of servitude for white masters.

There is simply no basis for any similar condemnation of Israel. Yes, there are restrictions on the flow of people to and from Gaza - hardly surprising given Gaza's role as a hotbed of anti-Israeli ferment and violence and the power base of the murderous, Iranian-backed Hamas militants. How could Israel reasonably be expected to do otherwise?

How about Byrne and her Greens being a bit more perceptive about the reality of life in the Middle East, as seen by the popular uprising that led to the Jasmine Revolution in Egypt and similar ferment in Tunisia and countries across the Arab world? Arabs themselves speaking out against the system.

These uprisings are about people desperate for freedom and democracy. The sort of freedom and democracy, it must be said, that is seen in only one state in the region, namely, Israel. Even the Palestinian territories cannot make similar claims.

And how about the sort of outrageous discrimination that exists in places such as Saudi Arabia based on religion and gender? Is Byrne going to get excited about that?

It's easy, of course, for the likes of Byrne to mouth slogans that seek to compare apartheid in South Africa with Israel, easy for the dopey Marrickville council to say it's going to boycott Israel. But those slogans don't pass any test of credibility or veracity.

They're nonsense. They make Byrne and the Greens look foolish. Happily, they have as much relevance to the real world as Marrickville council's boycott of Israel.

Bruce Loudon is a senior writer with The Australian who has worked in both South Africa and the Middle East as a foreign correspondent.

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Sorry for the third post, but this is so good, I have to add the rest of Fred Nile\"s media release: If elected to the NSW State Parliament on Saturday, Fiona Byrne has indicated she will extend this BDS against Israel state-wide\" warned Rev Nile. \"Such a boycott would impact jobs, and therefore the families, of millions of Jewish and Arab Israeli citizens living in Israel, whereas increased sales will increase the living standards of all Israeli citizens, be they Jews, Christians or Muslims\" said Rev Nile. \"Thankfully there would be far more sensible Australians standing with the State of Israel, in their constant struggle for peace, than against her\" said Rev Nile. \"I shall be continuing to buy Israeli goods which are always of high standard and making it my business to buy more, particularly on 30th March 2011, in an effort to send a strong message of support to Israel and a condemnatory message to Fiona Byrne and her ilk for their hatemongering\". See attached sheet of Israeli goods. (The list doesn\"t print on here but there are a number of Israeli products recommended with their logos) Coles have Kosher sections in their supermarkets, ask for Israeli fruit and vegetables and/or buy Ahava or Dead Sea Skincare Products and visit Max Brenner Shops. If the first three numbers of the bar code are 729 the product was made by Israel. Go Fred!!! I love this man.

Posted by Dee Graf on 2011-03-26 12:37:12 GMT

By the way, Fred Nile of the CDP (of which I am a candidate) has made a media release entitled "buycott not boycott". Here is an excerpt of what he has to say: The Rev Fred Nile MLC Leader of the Christian Democratic Party has given his support for a "Day of Special Support for Israel" on Wednesday 30th March 2011. "I totally oppose the Greens" Fiona Byrne"s anti-Semitic attack on Israel by her call for a boycott of Israeli goods. "On the contrary, I support the Day of Special Support for Israel on 30th March 2011 as Israel needs, and deserves, the support of all fair-minded Australians. Israel is surrounded by enemies and has a right and expectation to defend her citizens from the almost daily rocket attacks from Gaza as well as other enormous pressures. Israel is the only democratic nation in the Middle East and, as such, certainly does not need additional attacks from other democratic nations, including Australia, in the form of Marrickville Council"s shameful support (led by Cr Fiona Byrne) for the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign (BDS) against Israel.

Posted by Dee Graf on 2011-03-25 08:01:40 GMT

The ever disingenuous far left has done it again. Keep dragging the whole ball game so far to the left that all the boundaries are shifted. I guess this woman sees Isreal as an easy target and a quick and easy way to improve her own ratings with her demented constituancy. I wonder if she has ever spent time in Israel and taken the effort to actually research the subject before throwing out her comments. Thank goodness for level headed journalists like this one who calmly redirects the debate back to the middle. Trouble is, most people will only hear the shrill accusations of people like Byrne and take it as fact.

Posted by Dee Graf on 2011-03-25 07:57:53 GMT

The apartheid analogy is absolute rubbish as far as Israel is concerned. Within Israel , her Arab citizens have full & equal rights the same as all citizens have. Sure, there is some social discrimination but there are several Arab members of the Israeli parliament, the speaker of Israel"s parliament is a Druze Arab citizen, there are Arab judges on the Israeli supreme and other courts. In fact one of the judges on the district court was on the bench that tried the infamous former president, Katsav rape trial (and found him guilty). Arab students make up 20% of the University student body (higher than their % of the population). They live and go wherever they want. Compare this with the dire straights of the indigenous Aboriginal population in Australia and I promise you that I would rather be an Arab in Israel than an aboriginal in Australia!

Posted by Mark on 2011-03-25 00:31:17 GMT